TEL Away Day and SocialLearn

The TEL group (Technology Enhanced Learning) of the Institute of Educational Technology is gathered at the Accenture Conference Venue  today discussing the ways in which the use of social network technologies could be part of our communication strategy and work plan. The programme for the day is enriched by a super fresh  talk about SocialLearn by Martin Weller.

Many technologies have been discussed: NING, Wet Paint, Edupunk, OU iTunesU, YouTube, Twitter and list goes on and on.  TEL is suggesting these are used for working and teaching purposes. Essentially, in a group discussion we enquired how these tools can be useful for teaching and what advantage they bring to the students.

Then, Martin Weller gave a presentation on SocialLearn:Use whatever tool you like, bring all your learn together in one place! A market place to sell and share learning and content. Play, Learn, Share. SocialLearn: You only learn by doing it.

Some of the tools in SocialLearn are: MicroLearner, Camtasia, 2Learner, Cohere, Twittearth, Cloudworks, Facebook, OpenLearn, 43 things, Remember the milk. Other applications to write to teh API: YouTUbe, GoogleDocs, etc.

An Ecosystem of Learning!

Looking forward to it! Release date: July 2008 for Beta version