Thesis overview map v1

I have been thinking on how to restructure my PhD thesis to reflect the examiners’ comments. It is a difficult task because I have to use the same data I collected yet within a slightly different perspective. Today I thought I should have a go and try to visualise the whole thesis and check for consistency, connectedness, flow and main ideas. I used Compendium as a tool for drawing a concept map. It is quite difficult to show the connectivity of all concepts because  Compendium does not offer ‘curved lines’,  but even though I tried to represent it (surely this design can be improved, just waiting for enlightenment!). Below is the first draft of the map – I know many other versions are to come. I still have to populate the map with further ideas for the chapters within each node and change most of the arrows to ‘both ways’, rather than the ‘one way’ relationship between concepts. Hopefully this map will be a good working tool for me in this restructuring task.
