OpenCred study: assessment and recognition in open learning

The OpenCred study

The OpenCred study was carried out by the Institute of Learning Innovation at the University of Leicester in collaboration with the European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), from May to November 2014. Its purpose is to inform IPTS’s OpenEdu project, which is investigating the challenges and opportunities in the recognition of learning achievements via open learning with the aim of supporting policy development at a European level.

The OpenCred research team (Gabi Witthaus, Mark Childs, Bernard Nkuyubwatsi, Grainne Conole, Andreia Inamorato dos Santos and Yves Punie ) investigated practices, attitudes and rationales for the types of recognition awarded for open learning, the factors that influenced decisions in this regard, and the contexts in which non-formal, open learning was recognised.

This paper published in the eLearning Papers issue 40 shares some of the early findings of the OpenCred study. It describes a range of institutional initiatives by higher education institutions in Europe in recognising non-formal learning achievements in open education. Recognition of learning is almost always conferred in consideration of the type of assessment used, and so a matrix has been developed to show the relationship between these two features. The vertical axis of the matrix comprises a five-level hierarchy of formality of recognition (from no recognition to full recognition in line with the European Credit Transfer System), while the horizontal axis represents a five-level hierarchy for robustness of assessment (from no assessment to formal examinations).

Examples of European open education initiatives are discussed and plotted on the assessment-recognition matrix. The paper concludes with a summary of the tensions between assessment procedures used and the nature of recognition awarded, and offers recommendations for institutions wishing to evaluate the nature of recognition awarded to students in open education. It also identifies further areas in which the framework could develop.

An Assessment-Recognition Matrix for Analysing Instituional Practices in the Recognition of Open Learning

REA, MOOCs e EAD: João Mattar entrevista Andreia Inamorato

Palestra sobre REA na Universidade Federal do Paraná

Palestra com Andreia Inamorato

Palestra com Andreia Inamorato

Revista Digital da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – Educação e Ciência Aberta

Foi lançado no Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC – DesafIE!) em Maceió na semana passada o número 22 da Revista Computação Brasil, da SBC.  Essa edição foca em recursos educacionais abertos (REA) e MOOCs. Pode ser acessada online ou em PDF no site da SBC. Também disponível para dispositivos móveis por meio do aplicativo Computação Brasil.

Acesse aqui o arquivo em PDF: revista_computacao_brasil_22_jul_2013 Revista Computação Brasil - capa

Políticas nacionais para REA ao redor do mundo

Survey on Government’s Open Educational Resources (OER) Policies  – UNESCO – COL

Já que temos falado tanto no veto do Alckmin do Projeto de Lei sobre REA em São Paulo, acho que vale a pena lembrar a existência desse documento da UNESCO e COL, preparado para o 2012 OER World Congress, trazendo algumas informações sobre políticas de recursos educacionais abertos ao redor do mundo:

Survey on Government’s Open Educational Resources (OER) Policies

Andreia @aisantos

OER workshop and presentation at the University of Cape Town

Workshop and Talk at UCT on the 10th September 2010 by Andreia Inamorato ( Some useful resources:

OER Workshop – UCT

UCT presentation

Publicação REA no Brasil




OER Readiness in Africa

Entrevista sobre Recursos Educacionais Abertos na TV UEM

Entrevista sobre REA pela Profª Dra Andreia Inamorato dos Santos para o canal universitário da Universidade Estadual de Maringá

UNESCO IITE publication on OER in China

Here is a recent publication of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) about OER in China (free download – CC licensed)

 Previous publications from the same series:

OER in Brazil: (free download)

OER in Lithuania: (free download)

UNESCO publication: Open Educational Resources in Brazil

UNESCO IITE - Institute for Information Technologies in Education - has released a publication on open educational resources in Brazil:

(Portuguese version to come) - UNESCO URL:


Recursos Educacionais Abertos: Novas Perspectivas Para a Inclusão Educacional via EAD